- Love yourself first, because you'll spend the rest of your life with you too

Looking to meet the maker, are we? 

You found her! I'm Brooklyn; and it's a pleasure to meet you. 

I'm a Mother of three beautifully spirited children who are 16, 8 & 5 years old. So yes, controlling chaos is kind of my thing.😂 I myself, am a 33 year old Pensacola native & a huge book nerd. I've a love for fitness & any outdoor travel; as well as an extreme passion for all the arts. Music, especially. 

Zenith started as a trial run and has, over time, bloomed it into a well known craft. Where I never have any one client that is the same, it gives me a new opportunity to learn, and make a positive stamp on someone's life in a way that is unforgettable no matter what the occasion.

As a mother, I am already aware of how fleeting time can be.
It is humbling that you are honoring me with the opportunity to be a part of this time stamp in your life. 

Zenith, by definition, means:
"the highest point reached by a celestial or other object."  

That is was I strive to give my client's every, single, time.

Looking forward to hearing from you